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Functions & Interactions Project

Gallery of work trail from the 20th century

Research source

Anna Fox – Photographs documenting the everyday reality. She is fascinated by the rituals that take place both in the shelter of the home, as well as in the towns and countryside of central England. Fox photographs often contain autobiographical elements.

41 Hewitt Road project (1996-1999), designed by Dean Pavitt of Loop Design studio consists of a series of color photographs and accompanying e-mails describing the house on Hewitt Road 41, (2016). 41 Hewitt Road : Anna Fox. [online] Available at: [Accessed 19 Jan. 2016].

41 Hewitt Road project gave me the idea for my series of photographs which I made as regards the references to time and locations.At the beginning I did not know what will come out, and if this pictures will be interesting for the recipient.

I was making images for a few days at the former industrial area in Nuneaton where I currently live. Every day, I photographed the new elements left by the people and in not aware manner exhibited in the natural environment.

During my walks around the neighborhood, I spoke with many people which, remember the times when the mines and other factories were opened and areas adjacent to it were inhabited by their employees.

Currently, these areas are places where I bring the dog for a walk, but some locations have been re-developed as Brad stone road, where are built modern apartments and houses.

Memories of work & industry in Nuneaton and Bedworth – a 20th century history



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